Thursday, May 2, 2013

Packing Up

It truly "takes a village" to embark on a journey such as this. We could not have done it without the support of so many thoughtful and giving family, friends and neighbors. We want to to give a heartfelt thank you to all those who have donated to our trip and especially to the following:

Blessed Virgin Mary Church CCD Program
LKL Images
Supplee Presbyterian Church
Dr. Blankenhorn & Staff in Kutztown, PA

We met to packup our donation suitcases on Tuesday and will end up with 9-10 large (50lb) suitcases to donate to the people of Honduras. That is roughly 450lbs worth of supplies. Of the many generous supplies donated we collected baby blankets, clothes, diapers, hats, shoes, school kit items, toothbrushes, baby toys,  and medications. 

We couldn't have done it without you! 

 Laura, Adrienne, Marianne, Sharon, Beth, Katelyn & Amanda. 

16 days till we leave and counting down.....

1 comment:

  1. So happy we could help vicariously. Maybe next year I can actually go. Much love, mom
